Apr 02, 2021LivGood Team

You definitely don’t need to follow a specific meal plan before and after getting the vaccine, but doctors and experts* have shared some important tips for you to know before taking this step.There are certain food you can eat before and after getting the vaccine to boost the immune system and reduce the symptoms. On another hand, there are certain food you should avoid.

1.About supplements

There is not enough research to support that anti-inflammatory foods or supplements such as vitamin C will make the COVID vaccine more effective. But in general, eating highly nutritious food and taking vitamin C does help the immune system. The COVID vaccines have all been tested in people who were eating their usual diets, so we know they are effective without any special nutritional preparation. People should be wary of any supplements or products that claim to enhance vaccine response.

2. About food choices

Eating mostly whole foods like fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods will help your immune system work better in general because of less inflammation in the body. A healthy diet that is maintained long-term can improve immune responsiveness and help us fight infections better and perhaps boost immune response to vaccination, but it's doubtful that eating differently on the morning of the vaccine will have any impact at all on vaccine responsiveness. Eat whole foods and reduce consumption of processed foods all year round, not just when getting the vaccine.

You should definitely avoid eating fast food, snack bags and boxes and vegetable oils ( corn oil, soybean oil) and focus on nuts especially almonds and walnuts , fish especially salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and herring , fruits and vegetables, choose extra virgin olive oil, turmeric. Fish oil (omega-3 fats) actually turn into compounds called 'resolvins' which mean they're resolving inflammation.

3. About fasting:

There's no need to fast the night before the COVID vaccine like you might for other procedures. This could make you dizzy and more likely to faint if you are someone who gets queasy around needles. Eat something that is made at home and with as little processing as possible like yogurt and fruit, eggs and fruit or a healthy bar are all good options.

4. About hydration:

Doctors agree that staying adequately hydrated before and after getting the COVID-19 vaccine is extremely important. "Not only does everything in the body work better in a well hydrated state, but some with needle phobia and fainting history will do a lot better if they show up hydrated," says Dr. Malinow, MD.

5. About alcohol consumption:

There is currently no evidence that drinking alcohol will make COVID-19 vaccination less effective. There is also no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe for individuals who consume alcohol.

However, it is recommended to avoid alcohol the day before and after getting the vaccine because alcohol suppresses the immune system and can dehydrate you.

6. About sleeping:

In addition to sustaining a healthy diet, getting an adequate amount of sleep the night prior to vaccination is critical and probably more important than anything consumed that morning. One bad night's sleep can diminish immune function by as much as 70%.

Stress also suppresses the immune system, so as much as you can control, keep stress levels low. There's no need to worry if you didn't sleep well, but do your best to try and sleep.

7. About physical activity:

Rest is important, especially if you aren't feeling great after getting vaccinated. But if you're up for it, get some form of exercise. Not everyone is up for a hard workout but even going for a brisk walk gets your circulation going, which is good for priming your health defenses.

To sum up, eating a variety of anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, nuts and seeds is always a good idea but isn't likely to boost the efficacy of the COVID vaccine or minimize your symptoms afterwards. The most important things to do are get a good night of sleep the night before your vaccine, avoid alcohol the day before and day of the vaccine, and stay hydrated.

*Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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