Tips For Ramadan

Tips For Ramadan

Mar 24, 2023Marketing Team

The month of Ramadan is an important and holy month. It is when Muslims around the world abstain from eating or drinking between sunrise and sunset. Therefore, one should be ready for this in terms of finding the perfect healthy tips to make it through the month. In Beirut Lebanon fasting is almost 13 hours and 34 minutes, one will experience mild dehydration, headaches, tiredness, insomnia and even nausea. The question that we will be tackling in this article is whether or not fasting is good for one's health. In addition to being able to know the effective tips for fasting and what the best food ingredients should be used during this month to make it through. 

Firstly, our body during the fasting period will begin to use the stored carbohydrates; which are stored in the liver and muscles. The body will then use the stored fats to provide the energy needed for the body to function properly. Because of this, it is very crucial to pick the right food once breaking the fast and during Suhoor.  

A lot of research was done on this topic and the results varied due to the length of the fasting time and weather conditions. Some studies concluded that obese and overweight fasting people tend to lose weight during this month. While other studies -which focused on blood cholesterol and triglyceride -concluded that there is an improvement in the levels in some cases and no effect on other cases.   

So, what are the foods that should be consumed during Iftar time and Suhoor? 

It is only natural that after a long day of fasting one would desire to consume a big portion of food; however, it is very crucial that at the time this event is happening one should be cautious with what is being consumed. One should be mindful that the food consumed during Iftar will affect the body the next day. Therefore, those who are fasting must prioritize eating slowly and consuming a lot of fluids; especially after a long day of fasting. This is due to the fact that the body needs to be hydrated after a long day of not being able to do so. Those who are fasting must make up the fluids lost. 

The best food choices for Iftar should be: 

*Water – to hydrate the body. 

*Soup – to replace the fluids and nutrition lost from the body. 

*Vegetables and fruits such as Fattoush, green Salad, Oriental Salad, Fruit Salad or whole Fruits - to replace the fluids lost from the body and decrease constipation. 

*Whole grain products – whole grain bread, pasta or rice or any other kinds – to boost energy and and makes one fuller for a long time. 

*High protein foods – beef, chicken, fish, eggs etc… to boost energy 

As for Suhoor food options, one should opt for: 

*Water and other drinks such as milk or yoghurt – to help the body stay hydrated  

*Starchy foods to aid digestion and feel fuller for longer time such as the whole grain toast  

*Dried fruits such as dates, apricot dried etc.… – boost energy 

Finally, and after knowing the best choices for fasting, the most important note is to stay conscious of your choices and to consume a variety of food and fluids.  


Ramadan choices from Livgood:

1. Vanilla & Dates snack

Includes proteins – feel fuller for a longer time and boost energy

Rich in fiber – decrease the risk of constipation

Improve heart health

It is a good choice for Suhoor and getting ready for fasting

2. Organic Lentils

Low in sodium so it decreases the feeling of thirst

High in fiber

Packed with B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and potassium

It is a good choice for Iftar as soup.

3. Whole Wheat Penne

Low in calorie but high in fiber so it supports digestion

Rich in manganese and phosphorus

Lower the risk of heart disease

It is a good choice for Iftar as a side dish.

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