Food & Nutrition

The Alkaline Lifestyle
Oct 06, 2020
You may have heard of the alkaline diet but being healthy goes beyond any diet...
The Effective Ways Of Boosting Your Immunity Against Coronavirus
Sep 16, 2020
THE WHOLE TRUTH: With lots of confirmed cases of the Coronavirus (n-COV) in Lebanon, the...
Mindful Plant Based For Our Burning Planet
Sep 16, 2020
At my French culinary school, we lived by the motto that butter makes everything better. Steaks sizzled on our grills and we submerged duck legs in buckets of melted duck fat. Veggies were roasted in that same duck fat or slathered in cream and cheese. There was not much regard for the seasons in our choices of vegetables and fruits. Need cherries in December? Not a problem – we fly them in from South America. Tomatoes in February not ripe? We’ll make due. Cheese was melted and grated and eaten with wild abandon. We were in complete denial.